There is an automated perception of the disadvantage of using gadgets for your children. However, that is not entirely the case for your kid’s cognitive skills. Screen time can improve your child’s cognitive skills, it will allow them to think for themselves, in a critical yet logical manner. Thus, it is entirely okay to let your kids explore by using gadgets, however, it is up to us, parents to keep it in moderation.
When it is combined with other activities that are helpful for your child's development, including physical play, reading, and socializing, screen time may be a component of a healthy lifestyle for kids. Making ensuring screen time does not interfere with sleep is another aspect of striking the correct balance.
Especially in terms of sleeping mechanisms, it is important to practice your kids to sleep on time, and with the right amount of sleep. These practices will help them as they grow, and not completely disregard the advantages of having a good sleep. Remember, it is equally crucial to have good cognitive skills and sleeping mechanisms. Both allow your children to grow productively, in a healthy manner.
So, what exactly are the parents’ jobs in this matter? Well, you should acknowledge sleep and screen time in balanced. How? Here are useful tips for you to start.
Rules are as crucially important
Maintaining and establishing rules is one of the main roles of a parent. No, these rules do not make you a cop mom or dad, but it is very essential in disciplining your kids—especially in establishing screen time rules. Your youngster is permitted to use screens, but only in public areas like living rooms and dens. When your kid can use screens, such as when meals are free of TV, computers, and phones, when there are visitors from family or when there is no screen time before preschool. Your child can also use a screen, such as to play a puzzle game or a dance competition game but not to watch YouTube. To assist your child balance screen time with other activities like physical exercise, it is OK if your guidelines include time limitations. So any rules are valid unless it inhibits them from growing cognitively and restrict them from their self-development.
It is better to have less screen time
Aside from the fact that kids need to have their screen time, it is ideal to lessen it than usual. Moreover, it is better to let them have screen time house before sleep since they are easily distracted they might have a hard time sleeping if they were using gadgets before it. Your child's energy levels, growth, sleep, and general health and welfare depend on their getting up and moving about. If your child uses screens, it is a good idea to urge them to take breaks at least every 30 minutes and only use them for brief periods. Set breaks using a timer. When the timer expires, perform some exercise, such as playing outside. You can also employ natural pauses in screen time, such as having your child do a victory dance after they complete a game's level.
Set a wake-up time
It is also important to set alarms for your kids after a well-deserved sleep. Sometimes, too much of something can deteriorate your well-being, so parents should make sure that they give their kids the perfect amount of sleep. The perfect meaning is not under hours nor over hours of sleep. Based on how much sleep your child needs and what time they go to bed, choose a wake-up time. To reduce future stress for parents, it is advisable to establish a wake-up ritual as early as the preschool years. Their bodies would not be able to feel sleepy at bedtime after those additional hours of sleep. However, if you can strive to keep everyone's bedtime and wake-up time within an hour or so every day, it will make everyone's life so much simpler. This means, that the more time they engage in outdoor activities than screen time and sleeping, the more they grow cognitively.
Keep gadgets out during bedtime
The sentence, “Kids can be easily distracted” is an understatement if you are raising a child yourself. Moreover, they can be easily diverted into doing something else if they are completely interested in doing so. Thus, you must keep the gadgets out of sight during bedtime. Despite your kids being sulky or mad about it, it is important to maintain strictness—however with a pinch of tender love and care. Using devices before bed might slow down your child's ability to fall asleep. Your child will likely go asleep more easily if they do not use their phones, tablets, computers, or TV in the hour before bed. So to make sure that they will fall asleep easily, it is better to keep things that might distract them out of sight.
Establish a bedtime routine
Aside from the use of gadgets before bedtime, it is ideal to establish a bedtime routine that your kids are greatly interested in. Aim for a routine that is soothing and unwinding, creating the perfect environment for rest. Your toddler may eventually experience automatic sleepiness at the start of the routine. So, after supper, there should be some light fun followed by a bath, teeth brushing, a bedtime tale, and finally bed. Any bedtime routine is okay as long as it suits both of you and your kid’s interests. Moreover, it gives you more quality time and bonding time with your children which can strengthen your relationship. This routine does not only give you the benefit of a good night’s sleep but also a time for some affectionate quality time with family.
Allow them to socialize
Other than screen time and other indoor activities, it is also essential for your kid to socialize outside the spaces of your home. This will boost one’s relationship with others, improving not only a kid’s cognitive skills but also their empathy for humanity. If you need an energy-draining activity that will leave your kids snoring at night, then this is the perfect activity to do.